Monday, August 6, 2018

Feijoa seedlings fruit early

This post shows that many feijoa seedlings will fruit in their third summer in ground.

In November of 2015, Mark Albert was invited by the Golden Gate chapter of CRFG to give a presentation on feijoa.  He also brought many fruits with him for us to try. I germinated the seeds from those fruits over the winter of 2015-2016, and then I grew them in pots in the spring-summer of 2016. In early August of 2016, I planted them in ground (Vacaville, CA), and most of them bloomed this spring of 2018, and now they are fruiting.  In the sample presented in the pictures below, five out of seven feijoa trees are fruiting. The first picture is from August 6, 2016.  The second and the third ones are from August 5, 2018. The third feijoa tree from the left was replaced by a loquat tree in 2017.

August 6, 2016. 
8 feijoa seedlings just planted.
August 5, 2018.
7 feijoa seedlings are still in the same place.
5 out of 7 are fruiting this summer.
Sample of feijoa fruits in August 2018.

Cuttings Sale in December 2024

  This post describes the cuttings sale on  in December 2024. This year we are offering wood from 440 different cultiv...