Thursday, July 15, 2021

Samarkand Gold Nectarine

 This is a recent introduction by the Hybridizers Group of SCV chapter of CRFG. This is an excellent yellow nectarine. Very sweet and juicy; ripening in early to mid-July in Sacramento Valley.  The grafting wood is available from the Santa Clara Chapter Hybridizers, and the fruits are available (when in season) from Andy's Orchard fruit stand in Morgan Hill.


  1. Hi Marta. Will you be selling wood for this or Tashkent Gold this year? Thanks

    1. I can only share a stick or two of Tashkent Gold. All other yellow nectarines wood should be purchased from the SCV Hybridizers group

    2. Hey I'd appreciate that. All I need is 1 really. I'll write you later on when your store is open to add it on or see how you want to do it. Thanks

    3. Just send me an email. You will find it at


Frost tolerance of Himalayan Mulberries

 The past winter of 2023-2024 was the second test for my Himalayan mulberries frost tolerance. I have five two-years old trees of four culti...