Monday, December 13, 2021

Meyer and New Zealand Lemonade lemons

 These were picked from pretty young trees, ~2 years in the ground only. I wanted to evaluate NZ Lemonade, and the Meyer lemon seemed to be a good comparison candidate.  I heard the NZ lemonade is a low acid one. Meyer is also not the most sour lemon. 

In this comparison, Meyer seems to be pretty sour, as NZ Lemonade is almost acidless. It can be eaten like an orange.  It is actually very pleasant to eat, my family and I enjoyed it.


  1. We enjoy NZ lemonade too. It has a unique flavor and is pleasant to eat.

  2. I have been searching for the New Zealand variety for years. Anytime I find a supplier that has it, it is sold out.


Cuttings Sale in December 2024

  This post describes the cuttings sale on  in December 2024. This year we are offering wood from 440 different cultiv...